

ph. Rolando Guerzoni

Direction: Vincenzo Schino
With: Marta Bichisao, Riccardo Capozza, Gaetano Liberti, Vincenzo Schino
Assistant-direction: Marta Bichisao
Sound design: Gennaro Mele Recorded
Voice: Gabriella Damascelli Harlequin
Costumes: Michele Napoletano
Technical direction: Emiliano Austeri
Sound technician: Giacomo Agnifili
Special art effects: Leonardo Cruciano
Workshop Organization: Marco Betti
Production: Opera, Teatro Valdoca

What does it mean to stay on stage today? To answer this question Opera starts from theatre’s origins and calls forth, like ghosts, all the main traditional characters of the theatre and of the art. They are universal figures, as the Clown or Harlequin, who bring audience out of the fiction’s spaces, as theatre’s proscenium or circus’ ring, heading towards a new interpretation, a new way of looking at the tradition with the aim of bringing a new life at traditional images. Opera is a show born in 2006 and the company decided to take the same name of the show because it contains the starting elements of a language and a research that developed by years. Opera is a manifesto show of the company.


Opera is a research company born in 2006 and created by the director Vincenzo Schino. The Company works in theatre and consider theatre the place where arts can dialogue. Picture, sculpture, dance, music and cinema come into contact with spectator bringing into play the gender and the creative process.

Technical Requirements:
People in tour: 7 / Set up time: 8h / Tear down: 2h / Minimum space requested: 8m x 8m x 5 m
Contacts: Marco Betti – organizzazione@operaweb.net / http://operaweb.net