curated by: Davide Fabbri, Elisa Gandini

The second suggestion, Servigio (Service), looks into the liquid dimension of sound, of its knowing how to be Ocean, of its occupying a space of waves and light, of its architectural value. Following a path of minimalist inspiration, the starting and arrival points seem to correspond. It is however an extreme and inattentive summary because the sound object, represented most dramatically by the Romantic symphonies of the nineteenth century, has been fractured and remade into a shifting, open lattice on which new ideas can hang, or through which they can pass and interweave. This is the first metaphor. Landscape is the second one: a reminiscent place where music and the wandering listener move.” (David Toop – “Ocean of sound”).
You can take over music and sounds going through different layers of attention in a process without any innocence which fires us up the more, the more it is related with our consciousness. This is what is found at the root of our thought about ambient music: “Static at first sight, it actually slightly moves, getting new nourishment from noises and silences surrounding us in order to gain the inner, sometimes unheard harmony of human beings” (David Toop – “Ocean of sound”).
There will be four cable radio listenings from 24th till 27th of May, one for each evening: “Sons”, “Satellites”, “Machines”, “Silence”.